Complaints / FOIL Requests/Zoning Compliance Letter Request

Submit a Complaint, a FOIL Request or Zoning Compliance Letter Request


To report a complaint about a building, land use, or other possible violation please click the link below. The more specific your information is, the better we will be able to process your complaint. Your information will be kept confidential and only accessed by code enforcement officials. 
Code Enforcement complaints are given a case number and are assigned to an inspector. Thank you for your help in bringing a potential violation to our attention.
FOIL Request:

To submit a FOIL Request, please click the link below. The more specific your information is, the better we will be able to process your information. After your request is received, you will be contacted with the amount of fees owed and this must be paid prior to the receipt of the records.
Zoning Compliance/Property Use Letter Request:

To submit a request for a Zoning Compliance/Property Use Letter, please click the link below. The more specific your information is, the better we will be able to process your information. After your request is received, you will be contacted with the amount of fees owed and this must be paid prior to the receipt of the letter.

* You must register and/or login prior to submitting a complaint/request.